mardi 11 septembre 2012

I never told you.

Is telling someone how you feel a sin? Should we be so afraid of what we truly feel for someone else? is the fear of embarrassment or rejection really worth it? at the end of the day...who cares? what is there to lose if you're at the point of admitting to someone that you freaking care about them? caring.....the problem is to care; nobody wants to really care anymore...or they just pretend as if they didn't. got it, 2012 humans are made of steel. the joke is on you buddy! ;)

If you had to choose between that person knowing how you feel or never knowing, what would you do? Is taking the risk of telling someone that you love them a bigger risk than never letting them know? wouldn't you feel so much better to just let it out at times? I now understand those silly scenes in movies where the girl or the guy just burst out all his/her feelings under the pouring rain like a big un-even, un-cooked pizza thrown on the kitchen table......."fuuccckkk I just LOVE YOU!"................ahhhh....that feels good. right?  

I miss those blue eyes
How you kissed me at night
I miss the way we sleep
Like there's no sunrise
Like the taste of your smile
I miss the way we breathe
But I never told you,
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just let it in
And now I miss everything about you,
I can't believe that I still 
Want you
I miss everything about you.

I see your blue eyes
Every time I close mine
You make it hard to see
Where I belong to when
I am not around you
It's like I am not me.
But I never told you....

Colbie Caillat- I never told you.

jeudi 10 mai 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Human of them all?

It's interesting to see how difficult it has become to comminucate with human beings. As I'm saying that it almost sounds like if I wasn't apart of this group that we call "human beings"..Well, that's the goal because I do not feel like I belong among it! Ironically, If you listen closely to all these complainers out there, none of us is actually satisfied with each single one of our encounters. (that's a group I do belong to and I dare you to tell me you never complained about others, I'll call you a liar.)
"He was rude!" - "Where are your manners?" - "Just drive!!!!" - "OMG!" -"excuse me but I believe you are not getting the point I'm making" - "What a Bitch stuck up!"


I honestly don't understand where some of our common sense, manner, language and respect went...perhaps you shit it out this morning? classy isn't it...well some of you are reaching that level of classiness. saracasm or not? that depends on your understanding of life.

I completely understand that we all have needs, we are all demanding and we all strive for the same things...happiness, health, money, love blablabla and meanwhile we step on people's toes, litteraly. Newsflash, If you think that will lead you anywhere...rethink. Power is not meant to be used in pushing, bulliying and forcing people to do things, for example you are at work and this lady treats you like crap, she is not satisfied, everything is not right, Oh mon Dieu you are just useless to her life...So, what do you do in that situation? 1. You have bills to pay. 2. You wonder why this person in front of you is so miserable. 3. You almost want to tell that person how lucky she is that you are actually on the clock otherwise a simple "screw you" would probably be coughed out. There is luckily an explanation to any behaviors, unfortunately they are days when you will get attacked by unhappy people. Is these moments, remember how amazing, powerful person you are. Kill them with kindness and don't let them feed off of you.

We all had the same problem once of someone hurting our feelings, so why do we behave the same way? punishment? there is clearly an issue with this generation where we forgot what solidarity is and we are ought to fight on our own...we all have our personnal war and we hold on to it like a blankie. Let it go and instead of looking like a direscpectful, uneducated idiot maybe, just maybe learning about human kind and their thought process would help avoiding constant conflict and then we could all be Beings acting like Humans.

vendredi 27 avril 2012

Care for something cute? of course you do.

If you haven't seen a dog say "I love You" is your chance.

here's one more for the road...


Have you ever had that feeling that you know certain things that you never knew about a second ago? like a whisper in you ear? could it be your gut talking? I've never been let down by my intuition, in fact I have a very good one. There are times where I wish it wasn't so conquering. I'm currently confused with two emotions on a certain it my gut telling me this or my wishful thinking? I think I'll go with my gut this time. to be continued...I will keep you updated. Anyway, If you are wondering why I'm saying "this time" it's simply because I put my intuition to test recently. To be honest, I didn't want to listen to it. I wanted to give it the benefit of the with fire or just prove myself right like a challenge.."aaaah HA! I told you Julie." wrong, wrong decision. I knew something was wrong with that person, I knew there was something off about them, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Instead of letting it go, I wanted to know what it was. Sure enough, my wings got burned. Although, it made me stronger as a person and I got the answer I needed and the response was clear like a marker on a paper: PERSON TO NOT BE TRUSTED. I've had a lot of experiences where I just knew this party was trouble, or maybe I should just call a cab...whatever it might be I wanted to learn more about intuitions and I found a pretty good article on it. To spare you the 3 pages long, here's the best of it. enjoy.

Gut Almighty Intuition really does come from the gut. It's also a kind of matching game based on experience. There are times when trusting your gut is the smartest move—and times you'd better think twice. By Carlin Flora, published on May 01, 2007 - last reviewed on June 21, 2011 Intuitions, or gut feelings, are sudden, strong judgments whose origin we can't immediately explain. Although they seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, they actually begin with a perception of something outside—a facial expression, a tone of voice, a visual inconsistency so fleeting you're not even aware you noticed.

 Experience is encoded in our brains as a web of fact and feeling. When a new experience calls up a similar pattern, it doesn't unleash just stored knowledge but also an emotional state of mind and a predisposition to respond in a certain way. Imagine meeting a date who reminds you of loved ones and also of the emotions you've felt toward those people. Suddenly you begin to fall for him or her. "Intuition," says Linhares, "can be described as 'almost immediate situation understanding' as opposed to 'immediate knowledge.' 

Understanding is filled with emotion. We don't obtain knowledge of love, danger, or joy; we feel them in a meaningful way." Encased in certainty, intuitions compel us to act in specific ways, and those who lack intuition are essentially cognitively paralyzed. Psychologist Antoine Bechara at the University of Southern California studied brain-damaged patients who could not form emotional intuitions when making a decision. They were left to decide purely via deliberate reasoning. "They ended up doing such a complicated analysis, factoring everything in, that it could take them hours to decide between two kinds of cereal," he says.

 It's time to declare an end to the battle between gut and mind—and to the belief that intuitions are parapsychological fluff. Better to explore how the internalized experiences from which gut feelings arise best interact with the deliberate calculations of the conscious mind. Many of us are sure we could never be deceived, and yet our gut instincts about people's veracity are usually off. "We don't pay enough attention to all the channels of communication, and we believe what we want to believe," says Maureen O'Sullivan, professor of psychology at the University of San Francisco. 

There are no set rules to follow in order to improve your fib-spotting—liars do not necessarily avoid eye contact, for example. But you can ask yourself questions, such as whether the person you are sizing up is deviating from his or her typical repertoire of behaviors. Though you may not reach wizard status, anyone can improve general interpersonal intuition. Simply put, if you are highly motivated to understand people, your intuitions about them will be better. Take Douglas Hofstadter, professor of cognitive science and computer science at Indiana University, who has spent his life trying, he says. After all, he creates models of the human mind. "I'm deeply curious about what makes people do certain things. I am somebody who spends a great deal of time trying to understand what the real reasons for their behavior are." Even so, Hofstadter emphasizes the importance of not prematurely closing your mind when it comes to intuitions about people and their motivations. "You have to test these cautiously. When you have confirmation—then you can make the daring leap," he says, whether it's telling your friend that you suspect she's getting divorced for the wrong reason or confronting your boyfriend about what you think are fabrications.

We've all heard stories of couples who "just knew" the moment they met that something serious was going to develop between them. (David Myers, professor of psychology at Hope College and the author of Intuition, had that feeling about a young woman as a teenager; they've been married for more than 40 years now.) The heart has reasons which reason does not know, said the philosopher Blaise Pascal. But maybe the "heart" is governed by the unconscious emotional pattern matching that produces intuitions. Bechara describes the phenomenon as an overall feeling that someone would be "good for you," perhaps even irrespective of passion. "It's tapping into your unconscious and triggering prior emotional experiences. We need to trust that this is a survival system that has evolved to our benefit," he says 

jeudi 26 avril 2012

The Master cleanse

Feel like having a good laugh?

watch this little chef d'oeuvre. I personally thought it was absolutely well done, good actors, good script and hilarious.


fun personality quiz

Fun Personality Quiz

Fun Personality Quiz from Quiz Rocket!
Quizzes: Customer Engagement

Your Result


You wear your heart on your sleeve. When you're sad, angry, or happy, everyone knows it. You can't help it! You're in touch with your emotions and aren't afraid to share it. You tend to have lots of crushes (celebrities, friends, neighbors, you name it!) and you hope to find true love someday.



If you didn't know yet...I'm French. What does it mean? it means, I'm rude, obnoxious and think I'm better than anyone else. Nice to meet you.

 BREATHE! it's all a myth.

French people are raised with understanding what R.E.S.P.E.C.T is, they demand it and as long as they have it, they will offer it back. They are very fair people. Monkey see, Monkey do.

French people love art, music, politics and theater. They love anything that will stimulate their senses: Proust, Pablo Picasso, Moliere, Edith Piaf are just to name a few legends that French people adore. J'adore. By the way If you haven't seen La Vie En Rose with Marion should. She is also starring in one of my favorite french movies, Love Me If You Dare with Guillaume Canet, who you would reconize from the movie The Beach with your favorite Leo Dicaprio....aie aie aie ma que calor!

French people are not rude, they just don't put on a mask. They are hard-core real, what you see is what is you get and it might bother others.We are private with our emotions and very in tune with them. If we love, we love hard. If we don't like you, well then run!
I remember the first time I walked in a clothing store in LA, the sales person asked me in a machinelike manner "Hi how are you?". My first thought was -have I met her?- second thought was -does it really matter to her how I'm doing?- third thought was -That's none of your business- The explanation of this thought process, if you really think about it, doesn't come from rudeness it just comes from the fact that deep inside, with all honesty, that sales person could care less how I am doing, actually has she was saying these words she was probably wondering if she didn't forget to pay the cable bill. I'm saying this because it's now been 5 years that I live in the US, and I'm in that sales person's shoes, with the slight difference that I'm a waitress but I ask the same question everyday. Do I really pay attention to the answer? well NO. I'd probably be petrified if someone answered "I'm not doing well. Let's talk about it." Oh dear.....aren't they people paid to do that? -_- Basically what it's coming down to, is that we are like the little fox in the Little Prince...Il faut nous apprivoiser.

We are sensitive and loyal people, once we open our arms to YOU it is a lifetime journey. We will truly care for you because commiting to you is something we are not afraid of. We don't waste our time with fake encouters, actually I've never experienced one in was always Black or white...That's what Coco Chanel did best. No wonder, she's French.